Sabtu, 09 November 2013

Can't let go

My throat is choking up,i can't even speak.
I'm blankly looking at the sky and crying
I try to forget. Please let me forget,alone
I keep telling myseft to stop
I'm wounded inside,I'm burning inside
I tell myself i won't have anything like love

Stop,forget it.please just stop and forget.I've decided
but your image comes back to my heart
it doesn't matter,even if you forget me
i'll be ok after a few days
i fall asleep after laughing and crying
i pick up my phone, then put it down

And I,,,,like a fool,just like a fool
why i'm like this for several days...???
i miss u like i'm going to be crazy
Want to stop and forget

I'm tired,,,so tired,my tears cover my eyes
even now your image still remains
it's been several days,i can't sleep
i've erased the think about you,but keep coming again

i'll be ok,if time passed i can forget you
just like ice,my heart melted

I can't even tell you the words to come back

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